Ohana in O'ahu
Our clothes are unpacked, the laundry done and the smell of sunscreen no longer lingers on our skin. Now I get to go back and relive the memories that we made this past week as I sort through our photos. This was the second time that the task of photographing a beautiful wedding brought us to the island of O’ahu and the second time that we were knocked out by it’s loveliness. Here is a little collection of my favourite personal photographs from the week, with guest appearances from Ollie’s grandparents, auntie and uncle who joined us in paradise to spend time with Ollie while we ‘worked’ and enjoy a family vacation with us afterwards. I still can’t believe that we are so fortunate to be a part of something like this. It brought our family together (Colin's parents live in Florida) to make memories that will last a lifetime. Thank you Danielle and Gordon! More images from their incredible boutique Hawaiian wedding will be popping up shortly. I’ll let these photos tell the story of our visit to this beautiful island of O’ahu, also known as ‘the gathering place’. For us, it was just that.